Whats Brewing – Niko Salaman
Niko Salaman has been killing it this year. This 5 minute mix up of clips that Mark Worner has managed to get over the last 6 months of the Whats Brewing series is to highlight just some of Mr Salaman’s rollerblading talent!
“Welcome back to another Brew this time i have mixed it up a little its a section filmed over seven episodes of whats brewing this is Niko Salaman coming from Vicky Pollards town Bristol this guy has been up and down the south west over the last 6 months getting to almost every session we have had. Niko always leaves you surprised or even gob smacked! just want to say this guy has a very bright future ahead of him keep smashing it mate! Peace! Whats Brewing! Smurfs4evA! Song – I Had a Feeling – TrackTribe” – Whats Brewing
Whats Brewing
Niko Salaman
Nidstang ā The World On Wheels. Ā© Roll Without Limits.