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bacemint & Create Originals present SEAN KELSO REFLECT2!

When you thought Sean Kelso absolutely killed it last year in his first REFLECT video, you’re going to see even more of that type of madness get thrown down in this one too! Going MAC 10 at everything, full commitment, steezey as hell and for such a difficult trick selection he makes everything look so easy in the process. But what else can you expect from one of the top GOATS in rollerblading?! 🐐πŸ”₯

Grabbed Fishbrain grind down a Drop-Kink Rail. Tru-Fishie to Makio grind up a ledge. Crazy tech mindbending switchups throughout. Great music choice for this and the video has been edited really well too. Excellent replay value. REFLECT2 is going to blow your head off! 🀯

You can watch the first REFLECT part here:


“//filmed by the kelso bros. //additional filming by ryan parker + koda hult. //edited by sean kelso. //featuring sean kelso.” – bacemint

Sean Kelso REFLECT2
Sean Kelso does a Tru Fishbrain grind down a bent handrail and fakies out


Sean Kelso


Nidstang – The World On Wheels. Β© Roll Without Limits.


Author Nidstang

Rollerblader and Action Sports Enthusiast from Berkshire, UK. #Nidstang #TheWorldOnWheels #RollWithoutLimits #LifeIsBetterOnWheels I also run Realm Division - Thought To Thread Clothing.

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Nidstang - World on Wheels. 2022.