“Insanity in China!”
BMX has evolved so much over the years and will continue to do so, but seeing the current level of today’s riding in these contests really makes you think – How much further can we really push ourselves, and the sport? In my opinion, as long as there are people riding BMX, there will be creativity and progression – which will lead to new tricks and ideas that will keep the sport evolving. Not to mention the evolution of skate-parks and the ramps too, as that will also play a big part in riders progression.
Go back to when it all started in the 1970s, you probably couldn’t even fathom the tricks that would be possible 30 years later, let alone almost pushing 50! So hopefully we live long enough to see the next generations of riders to come so we can witness the next level these professions can reach!
But for now, just enjoy these absolute hammers from the professionals; “Dennis Enarson, Kevin Peraza, Colton Walker, Jack Clark, Brian Fox, Ryan Nyquist, Nick Bruce, Brandon Loupos, Kostya Andreev, Daniel Dhers, Rim Nakamura” and more!
(Below: FISE BMX Semi-Final Highlights by RIDE BMX. – If you want to see the full uninterrupted video from the event, please scroll down a little further to watch.)
Here are a few Screen-Grabs:

Kevin Peraza – Cruising round the Pocket (twice) like it’s no big deal

Jack Clark – Barspin to Tuck No Hander

Daniel Dhers – Double Whip over the Hip

Kenneth Tencio – Cork 720
If you have a spare 2 and a half hours to sit back and see the full insanity unfold (all tricks, runs, riders and live commentary included) then you will not want to miss out out as FISE have the full upload on YouTube here: