Chris Dafick started things off in this section by taking his skates to the woods and hitting up an old tree that had fallen down. Which is definitely not something you see very often (if at all, really) in blading. But regardless of being off-road, on-road, on the roof-tops, on the streets or pretty much anywhere, Dafick truly brings his creativity no matter where he goes and destroys!
Lots of grinds and grabbed gaps in this FROM BEYOND part and you will definitely want to give this one a watch if you want some ideas for your own edit. Shredweiser must have loved filming this dude, and we definitely enjoyed watching it!
Watch the Vimeo video below:
Get the VOD on
(Disclaimer: We are not in association with Shredweiser, just sharing some gnarly videos for you to watch!)
A few Screen-grabs from the video:

Sticky Soul Grind down the handrail

Mute Grab on the Tree

X-Grind down the curved kink rail

FS UFO Grind, being careful of the death-drop!

A nice 180 Mute-Grab gap off the roof
Chris Dafick: