How to skate a bowl! Bowl skaters! One step at a time
“Flower She Rolls” Coco Sanchez teaches you how to skate a Bowl on inline skates. This 15 minute video tutorial breaks down the process of riding around the “pockets” of a Bowl. Essential for any beginner rollerbladers to help reach that next level!
“Let’s get it!”
“Hey loves! I am soooo excited about this video. It’s the first of many inside a bowl. I’m stoked the way it turned out. My entire life I’ve had a hard time expressing my thoughts out loud so when I began breaking down my process in skating a bowl, I was determined to get it out right. I’m proud of what Dalton and I put together and it has sparked more creativity for bowl skating. We hope you enjoy this video. BOWLS BOWLS BOWLS! They are my favorite thing to shred in a park. Have fun, take it slow. 🌱 One huge love to you brother and sister. Filmed and edited by @manwithpogo – Dalton Smith. Share, LIKE, and Subscribe❤️🔥” – Flower She Rolls
Coco Sanchez / Flower She Rolls
Nidstang – The World On Wheels. © Roll Without Limits.