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Emi Parejo – Cougar Skates in Granada, Spain

This is Emi Parejo skating for Cougar Skates in her hometown of Granada, Spain!

“Shortly after Winterclash, the Cougar team linked up with Emi. They had 2 days of non stop filming hitting all the best spots in the city. From the cathedral to the bullring, the city center, and her local skatepark, They made every second count.”


“Emi Parejo takes to the streets of the beautiful city of Granada Spain, her hometown! 🇪🇸✨ Shortly after Winterclash, the Cougar team linked up with Emi. They had 2 days of non stop filming hitting all the best spots in the city. From the cathedral to the bullring, the city center, and her local skatepark, They made every second count. Emi is skating our new Black and White 7003 model. Filmed and Edit by Awei Xiao. Celebrating 30 years of Cougar. Make sure to subscribe to our Youtube Channel.” – Cougar Skates


Emi Parejo

Cougar Skates

Nidstang – The World On Wheels. © Roll Without Limits.


Author Nidstang

Rollerblader and Action Sports Enthusiast from Berkshire, UK. #Nidstang #TheWorldOnWheels #RollWithoutLimits #LifeIsBetterOnWheels I also run Realm Division - Thought To Thread Clothing.

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Nidstang - World on Wheels. 2022.