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After taking a 5 year hiatus from filming and just part time rollerblading, Patrick Andersen returns with a come back with a 12 minute full length video part featuring himself, Arsenio Patterson, Swigidy DaCosta, Josh Appleton, Chris Padilla, Cody Forrester and friends!

This is the Bladewave crew’s first full length. Welcome to CRUNCHTIME!

CRUNCHTIME by the Bladewave - Swigidy DaCosta does a Top Acic down a 8 by 8 kink handrail
Swigidy DaCosta does a Top-Acid grind down a 8 by 8 kink handrail


Patrick Andersen

Nidstang – The World On Wheels. © Roll Without Limits.


Author Nidstang

Rollerblader and Action Sports Enthusiast from Berkshire, UK. #Nidstang #TheWorldOnWheels #RollWithoutLimits #LifeIsBetterOnWheels I also run Realm Division - Thought To Thread Clothing.

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Nidstang - World on Wheels. 2022.