BZ Schabernack: Wattwanderung
A new episode of BZ’s Schabernack series called “Wattwanderung” is out NOW featuring Eugen Enin and Sven Ischen! Watch the duo skate around the German city Recklinghausen!
“(TURN ON YT SUBTITLES FOR ENGLISCH CAPTIONS) . ttps:// . From front flipping in a skatepark to landing crazy trick to finally persuade Daniel filming the last spot. This Sunday was a good one with checking a lot of new spots and waxing a lot, like really a lot. It’s maybe the episode with the highest Wax counter haha. As someone suggested in a comment, when the year is over we should do a final wax counter from all episodes, which we noted and will 100% do! Riders: Eugen Enin and Sven Ischen…” – Borklyn Zoo
Borklyn Zoo
Nidstang – The World On Wheels. © Roll Without Limits.