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BZ Schabernack: Nussknacker

Borklyn Zoo’s Schabernack series is back with a new episode called “Nussknacker”.

Featuring; Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen, Tobi & Ruwen. Watch the dudes shred some spots around Gevelsberg in Germany!


“(TURN ON YT SUBTITLES FOR ENGLISCH CAPTIONS) / You can’t win em all Sven! This time we tried to finish Sven’s upcoming USD Street video, but it ended up in Sven getting nussknackered… The german summer is finally here, the sun is out, a lot of berries have been eaten and we checked some old/new spots in Hagen. The microphone still needs to be adjusted for the next episodes, which we already did. Riders: Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen, Tobi & Ruwen.” – Borklyn Zoo


Borklyn Zoo

Nidstang – The World On Wheels. © Roll Without Limits.


Author Nidstang

Rollerblader and Action Sports Enthusiast from Berkshire, UK. #Nidstang #TheWorldOnWheels #RollWithoutLimits #LifeIsBetterOnWheels I also run Realm Division - Thought To Thread Clothing.

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Nidstang - World on Wheels. 2022.