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BZ Schabernack: Mehr Laub

Last week was not the last Schabernack of the year from Borklyn Zoo! But this might be 😉 For this weeks episode the skate session takes place throughout the streets of Wuppertal, Germany for some wicked rollerblading action!

“This time Jo joined us again, Tobi too. But we also got Nils Rinas who joined this session too! It was over 14 degrees that day, which why everyone wore a longsleeve. As usual we skated some new & old spots, got a kickout and some random scooter kids joined us on the last spot.”

Featuring; Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen, Jo Zenk, Nils Rinas & Tobi!


“WORLD WIDE WAX SHIRTS OUT NOW: (TURN ON YT SUBTITLES FOR ENGLISCH CAPTIONS) Let’s say, that this is the final episode of the year… for now! I will update this description if we filmed another one haha. This time Jo joined us again, Tobi too. But we also got Nils Rinas who joined this session too! It was over 14 degrees that day, which why everyone wore a longsleeve. As usual we skated some new & old spots, got a kickout and some random scooter kids joined us on the last spot. BTW, Eugen got a piece of the lightning sticks in his eyes which he only realized when he was at home, but he got it safely out. Riders: Eugen Enin, Sven Ischen, Jo Zenk, Nils Rinas & Tobi…” – Borklyn Zoo

BZ Schabernack - Mehr Laub - Nils Rinas does a Top-Acid grind down a 9 stair handrail
Nils Rinas does a Top-Acid grind down a 9 stair handrail


Borklyn Zoo

Nidstang – The World On Wheels. © Roll Without Limits.


Author Nidstang

Rollerblader and Action Sports Enthusiast from Berkshire, UK. #Nidstang #TheWorldOnWheels #RollWithoutLimits #LifeIsBetterOnWheels I also run Realm Division - Thought To Thread Clothing.

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Nidstang - World on Wheels. 2022.